MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 22:37 “Jesus said unto him, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all
thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”
1. To demonstrate how we can love with all our heart.
2. The children will love God and their neighbour.
Love God and your Neighbour.
Star the lesson by repeating the song you taught them last week.
Helping others is the way
To show God’s love everyday
Jesus in me helps me be
Kind and good to all I see.
Show love to others (3x)
Whoever they may be.
(Sing to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me.”)
PROGRESSION OF EVENTS 1. A lawyer trying to trick Jesus asked, “How can I inherit eternal life?”
2. Jesus answered with a question, “What does the law say?
3. Quoting from the law, the lawyer replied, “A person must love God with all his being
and his neighbour as himself.”
4. When Jesus told him his answer was right, the lawyer, tried to get Jesus to make him
feel better by defining the term “neighbour.”
5. Jesus used a story to show the lawyer what God’s love is like.
6. A priest glanced at an injured man and passed by
7. A levite stopped and looked at the victim, and then passed by
8. A despised Samaritan had compassion, took care of the injured man’s wounds, and took
him to an inn to be cared for.
9. The Samaritan paid all costs, left money, and promised more.
10. Jesus led the lawyer to a painful admission: the Samaritan was obeying God’s law by
being a neighbour, while religious Jews were not.
Jesus instructed the lawyer that if he truly loved God he would show God’s love to others.
APPLICATION Showing love may require some sacrifice money, time, sharing, giving, and so on. Anyone
can help is your neighbour. Showing love and kindness is evidence that you truly love God.
God loves every person in the world, no matter his race or nationality, and He wants His
children to be good to all.
If you truly love God, you will show His love to others. Look for practical ways to be of
help each day.
Only when you have eternal life through the Lord Jesus can truly love God and show His love
to others. You can have this eternal life today (1 John 5:11, 12).
ACTIVITY Children to colour the picture of the good Samaritan and help the children to fill in the
gap. The kind man is showing LOVE to the wounded man.
MONDAY - 1 Corinthians 13:4 - Love is kind.
TUESDAY - 1 Corinthians 13:5 - Love is not rude.
WEDNESDAY - 1 Corinthians 13:6 – Love rejoices in the truth.
THURSDAY - 1 Corinthians 13:7 - Love believes all things.
FRIDAY - 1 Corinthians 13:8 – Love never fails.
SATURDAY - 1 Corinthians 13:13 - Love is the greatest.
SUNDAY - John 3:16 – Thank you Lord for loving me.